Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It doesn't get easier!

In fact, it gets harder!

When Papen was a baby and we had the nappies (diapers!) and potty training, and the crying, the asthma and emergency visits to ER, the waiting in the NICU and all those things parents go through, everyone said "don't worry, as they get older it gets easier!"

Well, it doesn't. They start coming home with their little hearts broken as some other child has been mean to them, or hit them - or done something. There's been times I've wanted to march to that school, grab a certain child and shake him until his teeth rattle! If it wasn't for Christ in my life I am sure I would be one of these psycho mommies that does just that.

However, I can't fight his battles for him. He has to learn to stand on his own two feet, and to be able to deal with issues like this. He and I will both look a bit silly if he is 45 and I go and punch out his boss one day or something! All I could do was contact the teacher, speak to her and at least she was aware of this and subsequently moved this other child as far away from his desk as possible.

So it doesn't get easier, things just change.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Special Moments

I love being a mother. I love hugs and kisses and giggles and sharing special moments with my boy. We've taught him (hopefully) to be tough but also so share feelings. On the way home yesterday he hands me his board with "I love you Mommy" written on it. One of those times where my heart just melts and shatters into a million pieces. One of those moments where I wish that I could freeze time and just have that closeness forever.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dress-up Day

I'm a mom who loves these days as much (if not more!) than any child. To be able to throw in a whole lot of ideas, make a child feel like a king, or a pirate - (or a cat burglar!) for the day ... what a pleasure. It helps them feel special, stimulates the imagination and just generally is an opportunity for FUN!

Mitchell had been looking forward to one last term, but it was changed to "sunglasses" day - and was bitterly disappointed. I consoled him by saying that at least now we had made the outfit so it was all ready for the next chance we could get. Now, by saying "made" - I certainly don't mean that I sat my bottom down by a sewing machine and crafted some delightful creation. Nope, I bought a headband, some false hair extension type stuff - and sat down and began to braid the hair, putting feathers and acrylic type wool into it. Then I looked in the toy chest and the wardrobe to see what we had that we could use.

The jeans were hand-me-downs from CB (one of his heroes who had outgrown them) - had been stitched and repaired so many times they could not be stitched anymore --- so I made cutoffs (which is fashion statement anyway). The hook, earring, cutlass, hat - was donated by a kind friend's mom. The bandanna was another kind friend's mom. Eye patch and ring - from a party favour for a pirate party he attended last year (dressed as a pirate of course!) Cummerbund - left over from SIL's first wedding 12 years ago. So I had a blast, looking through this stuff, dancing and weaving around like Molly in Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium after she finds her "sparkle".

When we discovered that there was dress up at the holiday care(SA schools on holiday!) , there was great anticipation and celebration in the land.

I drew on his face, dressed him up and delivered him to Holiday Care - wrapped in a Spiderman blanket as there was no way to put a jacket or jersey on him, thanks to the newspaper-filled parrot puppet I had pinned to his shoulder.

Went to fetch him later and was excitedly told that he had won first prize - an Ola Moo ice cream. In our house it is never, ever too cold for ice cream!

Only question is - where is MY ice-cream?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tick Bite

Papen has tick bite "fever" - not quite at the fever stage yet as we caught it in time. He came to me on Saturday evening complaining that he was sore - he showed me where it hurt and he has a ginormous lump there. Of course everyone was telling me "HERNIA!" but I knew it wasn't that. Not that I have a medical background, but he had a hernia op when he was three months old ... so experienced there.

Called the doc and she said it really sounded like a gland. She told me to treat it symptomatically and so we did. Yesterday I took him in. Doc confirmed it was a gland, and of course asked if he had hurt his leg anywhere. I told her that he had a very nasty bite on his bum - and by the time we got to her it had pushed out. Apparently it takes a few days to do this? She immediately identified it as a tick bite. Almost funny as the first thing Tazz and I did upon seeing that lump was examine him all over - toes, testicles, etc... and there was nothing.

The good thing - we caught it in time before it started manifesting as Tick Bite Fever. So he started the antibiotics last night and should be as right as rain soon.

SMSed some people - thanks to JB for calling - and for praying for him over the phone. I heard it and he was standing next to the car whilst she was praying - truly thought he was going to wind up being slain in the Spirit right there in the pharmacy parking lot!

My great-big little boy is going to be fine!